Bethlehem Steel Stacks By Day and Night Saturday November 21, 2020 SOLD OUT!


The Bethlehem Steel Corporation was an American steel and shipbuilding company that began operations in 1904 and was America’s second-largest steel producer and largest shipbuilder. The history is fascinating. 

We will be photographing the blast furnaces from unique angles all throughout the campus. We will arrive in plenty of time to capture great images before the sun begins to set-which is just before 5 now. Then, as the daylight disappears and the lights begin to glow on the stacks, the true magic begins to happen! We will continue to photograph through sunset, Blue Hour and after dark. You will come away with fantastic images of this amazing historical and architectural wonder! We will also make a stop inside Artsquest to photograph the spiral staircase and anything else interesting they currently have on display. (Note: this could change depending on any COVID-19 or event restrictions)

No special equipment is necessary. We will work with whatever gear you have. Instruction will be given on creative composition, exposure, dealing with high contrast scenes, bracketing and High Dynamic Range images, how to capture great images in low light and more! A tripod is highly recommended, and absolutely necessary for photography after dark. A detailed informational email will be sent to participants prior to the event.

Space is limited, so register today! A minimum number of participants is needed to run this workshop. In case of inclement weather, we will reschedule to the following Saturday, November 28th, same time.

Workshop begins at 1:30 and will run until approx 7pm. We will take a short break to grab a bite to eat and warm up on campus after dark. According to the information given me, there will be food trucks on campus available to purchase food and drinks.

Bethlehem Steel is located at: 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem, PA

Details will be sent prior to event on what to bring and where to meet.

Trek details update. Please note: The Hoover Mason Trestle is currently closed due to COVID-19. This will only slightly alter our views.


Out of stock


Updated Terms & Conditions – Valerie A Hoffman Photography (June 2020)

As we begin to navigate the reopening of business in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, the following updated policies are being put in place to protect the health and wellbeing of all workshop attendees, as well as those who we will come in contact with during events.

I will be following and adhering to state and CDC mandates going forward until we are clear of the threat of spreading the virus.

That being said, here is what you need to know and comply with:

  1. Anyone who is sick with COVID like symptoms or has a fever over 100 degrees must not attend the event. Amount paid may be put towards a future workshop, or can be refunded in full if notice is given in advance. Suggest checking your temperature BEFORE leaving home. By registering for an event, you also agree to a touchless temperature check at the initial gathering for any workshop or trek.
  2. Face Masks – Must be worn when in close (5-6 foot) proximity of other participants while they are being mandated. When you are apart from others, you may remove the mask, unless otherwise specified by the venue we are photographing in. All local and government guidelines MUST be adhered to or you will be asked to leave the workshop without refund.
  3. Workshop participants will be limited to a smaller than usual number
  4. Indoor classes will also be limited in attendance based on the venue, so participants can be seated the appropriate distance apart

*Please note that this is a fluid situation and may change based on governmental directives, CDC recommendations and legal advisement



2 Replies to “Bethlehem Steel Stacks By Day and Night Saturday November 21, 2020 SOLD OUT!”

  1. Teresa Magee says:

    This trek was great! I always learn something new. This time is was focusing in the dark Thanks to Val, I was able to get some pictures that were focused. Can’t wait to go back!

  2. Brian says:

    Another STELLAR trek with Val! We walked around a big portion of the property, since for some strange reason the trestle was closed. If you are on the fence about one of Vals Treks, get OFF the fence and join us! They are so fun and informative.


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