Based out of southeast Pennsylvania, I am an avid landscape, wildlife, architectural and real estate photographer and photography instructor.
I truly cannot remember a time in my life when photography was not a passion. From a very young age, I began taking pictures and learning the fundamentals of photography. This passion led me to pursue a degree in photography, as well as embark on a career in the photographic retail world. For more than 25 years I worked in the industry, selling photographic equipment and helping customers with their photographic needs. After being down-sized at my position as a District Sales Manager in 2009, I began teaching private photography lessons, then group classes and workshops. I absolutely love sharing my 40+ years of photographic knowledge and helping inspire people to take their photography skills to deeper and more creative levels.
I am thrilled to not only be teaching classes, but to also be leading workshops-or Photo Treks as I call them, to some of the most beautiful places both locally and beyond. My goal is to provide an exceptional learning experience, in a friendly and fun environment. I understand that there are many options to choose from to learn. The internet has brought a wealth of knowledge to everyone’s fingertips. But, there is nothing that beats being part of a live learning experience, where you receive hands-on training and instant feedback on your images and techniques. Join me for one of dozens of events being held throughout the year. See the Workshops & Classes page for more details. I guarantee you will improve your skills.
I feel truly blessed to have witnessed so much incredible beauty and to be able to capture and explore the wonders and glory of God’s creation photographically. Whatever I do, I strive to do it with excellence, hoping my life and my images will bring glory to God, the Creator of all the wonders we see.
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his Hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.” ~Ps 19:1-4