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Lightroom Classic Learning Series Lesson 4

March 29 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This will be a series of 4 classes that will build on one another. We will be working primarily with Lightroom Classic CC (LrC) – which is the most robust of the 3 different Adobe Lightroom programs. This is a subscription-based program that runs approximately $15/month, and includes LrC, the full version of Photoshop, and Lightroom mobile, cloud-based storage and more. There are options to how much storage you can get, and whether you pay for 6 months or the full annual fee.

If you are a new user, you can sign up online: https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-lightroom-classic.html  or by calling this number to purchase by phone: 800-585-0774 

Note: I do not receive any commission from adobe. I am only including the info here, because, this is arguably one of the most confusing processes you will ever go through in order to understand the differences in programs and plans, and I want you to get the appropriate plan without wasting a ton of time. Also note: if you are currently subscribed to one of the other plans, you can call them and easily get your plan changed.

Who Are These Classes For?

Capturing an image is only half of the creative process. The majority of all images can be greatly improved with some basic editing/post processing. And if you shoot in the RAW file format, then you absolutely need to apply post processing to your images. Unlike JPG files-which have color, contrast, sharpening, white balance and more settings all applied in-camera, RAW files have nothing applied to them in-camera, and require at least some measure of editing to make them look pop. If you believe that editing is wrongful manipulation-then these classes are obviously not for you:)

Overview of series:

The lessons will take you from beginner to power-user in no time flat. Lessons will begin with an understanding of how LrC works, what the LrC catalog is, how to easily and non-destructively edit your images, and the more advanced editing tools that are part of the program. It is my intention to also include a demonstration of the “Remove Distractions” feature that is in Photoshop at some point along the way. More specific details will be part of the description for each lesson.

Each online lesson will be recorded, and participants will receive a link to the recording to enable them to work through the material at their own pace. Practice files will also be included, as well as a detailed set of notes. Don’t worry if you missed any of the past lessons. You can find them in the Store.

Topics: Develop and Remaining Modules and More

  • Lens Corrections panel – removing chromatic aberrations, lens profiles
  • Transform
  • Color Grading – adjusting color in highlights, shadows and mid-tones
  • New Lens Blur
  • Lens Corrections panel – removing chromatic aberrations, lens profiles
  • Noise Reduction
  • Sharpening 
  • Transform
  • Merge To HDR
  • Merge to Panorama
  • HDR Panoramas
  • Automatically matching exposures for HDR and panorama stitching
  • Upscaling images using Enhance Super Resolution
  • Red-eye removal
  • Slideshow Module – Getting started creating a slide show
  • Map Module – what it is and does
  • Removing distractions easily in Photoshop
  • Using Lightroom CC to sync photos for sharing



The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
LrC Series Lesson 4
Fee includes Zoom access to Lesson, downloadable files, notes and link to recording
$ 55.00

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March 29
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Updated Terms & Conditions – Valerie A Hoffman Photography (March 2023)

As we live in our new ‘normal’, the following updated policies are being put in place to protect the health and wellbeing of all workshop attendees, as well as those who we will come in contact with during events.

That being said, here is what you need to know and comply with:

  1. Anyone who is sick with COVID like symptoms or has a fever over 100 degrees must not attend the event. Amount paid may be put towards a future workshop, or can be refunded in full if notice is given in advance. Suggest checking your temperature BEFORE leaving home. By registering for an event, you also agree to a touchless temperature check at the initial gathering for any workshop or trek.
  2. Face Masks are optional unless otherwise specified.

Cancellation Policy:

Two (2) weeks notice is required to receive a full refund. 75% refund of the Trek fee with only one (1) week notice. NO refund will be given if less than one (1) week notice is given for cancellation. Must call to cancel. We reserve the right to cancel the Trek at our discretion. Minimum number of participants is necessary to run event.